About Us
Meet the Team
This is the heart and soul of Baby Band, run by the Hill family and joined by some of the most intelligent, supportive, creative and lovely humans you could ever meet.
Our Ethos
Working in education and music we have learnt a lot. These are the things that we believe in and strive to develop through Baby Band classes and events.

Live Musicians
Seeing music played live is exciting and inspiring there is no doubt about it. Giving very young children an opportunity to see, feel and understand how the sounds are made up close, by professional musicians, is one of the core principles of Baby Band. We want to give them this exposure early in their lives to build excitement and enthusiasm for playing music. Watching their faces when they see a live musician for the first time is priceless.

Real Instruments
Using high quality instruments is important so that children become familiar with the textures, weights and sounds they make. Plastic toy instruments may seem like a colourful, fun and cheap alternative, but they rarely allow children to fully understand and appreciate tonal quality. Real instruments will provide a natural stepping stone towards a genuine interest in performing music as they grow up.
Sing songs by-heart
There is abundant research and evidence supporting the importance of learning nursery rhymes and simple songs by-heart. In short, the studies show that if a child of four is able to recite eight or more nursery rhymes by-heart, by the time they reach Key Stage 2 their Literacy skills are far more developed than that of their peers.

Learning Key Musical Concepts
Each session explores and embeds the concepts of pulse, tempo, dynamics and other key musical elements through the use of percussion instruments, singing together and carefully curated playlists. These fundamental principles will give them a head start when they begin learning a musical instrument.

Exposure to a Wide Variety of Musical Genres
Nursery rhymes are important and have their place in the development of a child's musical education. However, there are so many other wonderful styles of music to experience and be inspired by. Baby Band sessions include a wide variety of different genres from things you may hear on the radio or TV to music from across the rest of the world. Our mission is to give children a flavour of amazing styles of music they may not have heard before because even at a very early age they will develop a personal preference for their favourite genre.
The Baby Band Sound
All the original Baby Band songs are composed and produced by the amazing Peter Hill who has worked with Baby Band from the start. His work has been (and still is) 'instrumental' in the development of the Baby Band sound.
It has always been important to us that our songs stand apart from other traditional children's music by using more sophisticated instrumentation, more complex harmony and can be enjoyed by adults while still being suitable for their little people.
The nursery rhymes have all been given the Baby Band treatment too and the absence of a vocal line means you can sing along with your own version of the lyrics.

Do you need music? Here is a word from Peter...
Hello! I've been involved in a wide variety of projects specialising in composition and arrangement. If you need something like a backing track, new songs/music or arrangements of songs/music then I can almost certainly help you.
How much will it cost?
One of the first questions people ask is 'how much?' Every project is different and has different needs. Sometimes I'm needed for every part of it and there is a lot of work, other times I might only be needed for a light touch, so costs will vary. Once we've discussed your project I can give you a clear idea of the cost with no strings attached. I'm always happy to discuss new projects, so please get in touch.